Spiral Research Center


Catherine FALLON - Co-director

Pierre DELVENNE - Co-director


Address : Université de liège, Faculté de Droit et Science politique - Quartier Agora - Place des Orateurs 3, Building B-31, Bte 8 – 4000 Liège.

Public transports: bus line 48 (bus stop "amphithéâtres") and 58 (bus stop "chimie amphis") - from Liège-Guillemin station (20-25 minutes).

Phone number : + 32 (0) 4 366 31 02

GPS Coordinates: Longitude: 5° 34' 12.5394" (5.5701495364455695) - Latitude: 50° 35' 5.6652" (50.58490737322129) - To access the B-31 building by car, follow the signs for the P15 and P16 car parks.


a propos contact 2

updated on 3/17/23

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